As I pore over online maps for this trip and generally familiarize myself with the route (at least the route as it stands today), I have run across some names for different places that are intriguing to me.
I recently read a book called "A Place Called Peculiar" by Frank Gallant (buy it here) and it was interesting because it's fun to see that some towns have been named something unusual simply for the wonderment of it all, and to attract tourists.
It got me to thinking about the unusual names that I'll be seeing. Not only towns but features as well. So I'll share with you the ones that I've see so far, purely by going over the maps....

Medina, North Dakota - Do you suppose it's funky and cold there? You think this is the hometown of Tone Loc? Yeah, me neither.
Double Ditch Indian Village, North Dakota - Not far from Medina, you come across this place. I'm supposing that it truly is an Indian Village, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was no longer related to Natives any longer.
Sipple & Straw, Montana - These two towns are about 6 miles apart. I just thought it was funny to see a town named "Sipple" because immediately I think "nipple" which just proves that my brain never matured properly and I'm forever a 12-year old. And Straw just makes me wonder if that 's simply related to the fact this is in the plains area of Montana.

Big Arm, Montana - Seriously? Is there some huge statue (carved in wood, of course) of some massive bicep? Gotta have a picture of a sign for Big Arm, sporting my own 'guns' of course.

Eureka, Montana - My buddy Myles is from here. I've always wanted to visit so that I can say things like he did. For example:
"Where you from?"
" You don't smell so good yourself!"

Opportunity, Washington - Near Spokane, this area just exudes confidence and optimism. Perhaps this was simply to attract new settlers, but Green Acres, Washington (without Eddie Arnold or Eva Gabor) is nearby.

Eureka, Washington - Just to see how it compares to the Montana version. I fully expect to see some sort of monument in one of these towns to Archimedes. That or at least some sort of flood control. Maybe a huge bathtub?
Chilliwack, British Columbia - I must admit that I've heard of this place before. I used to really love this rock band called "Headpins" which was led by a guy who was from here (or at least was in another band called Chilliwack). Still, the name is too funny, so I gotta go there and see what that's all about.
One Hundred Mile House, British Columbia - I'm sure there's a logical explanation for the name of this place, but I don't wanna spoil it. I think this is one of my scheduled fuel stops and that will give me the opportunity to discover from a local why it is named the way it is. My suspicions: It's about 100 miles from Kamloops, BC. But I could be very wrong, and probably am.

Smithers, British Columbia - Don't you expect to see a statue of the Simpsons' character here? Well, you shouldn't. This was around long before Bart took to the airwaves.
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan - Just the name makes me smile. Darned Canadiens and their literal sense of humor.
Regina, Saskatchewan - They pronounce it "Rah-Jinah" (long I sound). See my comments about Sipple above. Twelve-year-old brain kicked in again.
Wasn't that fun? Well it was for me anyway.
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