Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!

Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!
Gordo and his metal steed, Cheeto!

Monday, April 25, 2011

What's next?

Hey kids,
I realize it's been a really long time since I updated the Vancouver Adventure Blog, but that's mainly because that 'adventure' is over.

However, the fight for a cure of Chron's and Colitis continues...

With that in mind, I'm looking for ways to benefit the CCFA some more, perhaps in a continuing basis, that still involve my passion for motorcycling.

I've had a bunch of weird ideas, and I even passed some of them on to the CCFA, but sometimes more than one brain is needed for a successful idea coming to fruition. That's why I need your help.

What should/could I do next do help bring awareness to the CCFA and the plight of those affected by Chron's and Colitis?
  • Another ride? If so, where?
  • Organize some other sort of event (poker run, touring ride, some sorta biker hoedown)?
I want to get others involved this time, in terms of riding. Having Myles and Deb join me for a leg or two of the Vancouver Adventure was great. Myles became an 'associate spokesman' on our 2 days together (okay, two and a half days together), which leads me to believe that adding more voices (and butts in seats) will help spread the word and generate more benefit.

And what the heck, we can have some great fun doing it at the same time!

So share your ideas and let's hear what you think. Can't promise my schedule will allow anything this year, but I like to plan so I'll probably need the time!


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