Saturday, August 22, 2009
Top 5 Dilemmas for a big trip like this
When undertaking a big trip like this, there are a number of issues that come up. It just isn't as easy as saying, "I think I'll hop on the bike and go!" I wish it were that easy, and I guess technically it could be. But if I want to make a splash out of this, and do some charitable good at the same time, it just ain't that easy.
Dilemma #1 - Who's going?
Do I bring more than one person? Do I bring anyone else? For safety's sake, it's almost stupid to try this alone. Sure, one flat tire in the middle of "nowhere, British Columbia" and I become bear food.
The potential for more questions multiplies with each person you decide to add to the trip. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it complicates everything exponentially. For example, Matt & I can go (that's two bikes) and share a hotel room. It makes for quick re-fueling stops and potty breaks. It's easier to decide where to stop for grub and when to stop. Simple: "Matt, you wanna do this or that?".
Now let's say we're bringing along just one more person. Now you need three people to a hotel room, or two rooms. Now that's three bikes to worry about maintenance or mechanical problems. And probably the worst part: getting a decision made. Everybody has experienced this- Ask more than one person: "Do you want to stop here or there?" The answers you will likely get will be different, or worse yet you'll get "I don't care". That's no answer.
Now add an additional person, or perhaps our wives. Oh, Lord help us.
Aside from the quickly escalating number of 'non-decisions' we have the ultimate slowdowns for re-fueling or eating, or just taking pitstops. And on top of that, if we bring along wives, who is gonna take care of the kids back home? Locking them in the basement with pop-tarts, water and cable tv will only work for about 7-10 days. We need at least 14. Dang!
Dilemma #2 - Where are we going and how are we getting there?
The first part is easy. We've always had a goal. At first it was simply to Vancouver, British Columbia (thus, "Gordo's Vancouver Adventure", duh). But that evolved into "Vancouver with a side trip to Alaska on the way back." Again, still not a big deal.
The second question - how are we getting there?- is the toughie. Do we want to zoom out and meander back? Meander out and zoom back? See as many sights along the way as possible? Just get to the goal and get back? Scenic (but slower) route or superslab (and boring) route? Avoid big cities or cruise right through them? Want to complicate this further? See Dilemma #1 above. Add more people and watch the confusion come to a rolling boil. And this is pretty important for trying to plan overnight stops, and finding decent roads to travel that aren't torn up by construction or delayed by endless traffic. Plus, shouldn't this be a fun trip too?
Dilemma #3 - Getting attention
Since I wanted to make a splash about this trip, I need to get people's attention. Let's back up. I want to make a splash so that I can help out a charity that I feel is in need of attention (and money). You can't raise money for anything without getting people's attention. Time out: Technically you can: The only way to do that is to add on an additional tax to something and earmark the additional money for something (Governments are experts at doing this). Then you can pretty much do what you want and people will 'contribute' money without even knowing it.
I don't have that luxury, and I want people to know that they are making a positive difference. So I need to get people's attention to get at their wallets and billfolds and ask them to pony up some fundage for a good cause. Most people will give what they can. They do care, they just need a little prodding. (Yeah, try not to get a mental picture when you hear the words 'prodding' and think about Chron's Disease or Colitis. Ewww...gross.) So, back to the subject at hand: how to get attention?

The usual suspects: media releases, emails, social networks, and my favorite: bugging the hell out of the media. Keep at them until they do what you want just to shut you up. Keep calling the tv stations and newspaper editors until they stop taking your calls. It's just like being a vendor! (grrrr!)
Dilemma #4 - How much gear to take?
Neither Matt nor I have done anything like this before. How much mechanical gear (fix it stuff)? Bike fluids (extra brake fluid? oil? coolant? gas? filters? fuses?) How many days worth of clothing? Snacks? Laptop? battery chargers? Cold-weather gear? Hot-weather gear? How many pairs of shoes -or any? First Aid kit? Where the hell is all this stuff gonna fit? I don't want to be unsafe by being overloaded, and
Dilemma #5 - How to Make Friends and generally not annoy people.
This is somewhat related to Dilemma #3 above. Certainly I want to share the news of this trip and the planning of it with my family and friends. And of course, using Facebook and other social networking sites, I have the opportunity to spread the news about this trip (and the raising money for charity stuff) with hundreds, if not thousands of people. But how to do so without irritating and annoying people? We all know that being Mr. Nice Guy seldom works. So I can take that route and ask nicely if people will share the news. Then when I still don't feel as though the work is spread enough I'll likely start spamming everybody I can find an email address for. Does it drop me down the same credibility level as a typical spammer? Almost. Is it worth it? Probably. Got any better ideas?
Dilemma #1 - Who's going?
Do I bring more than one person? Do I bring anyone else? For safety's sake, it's almost stupid to try this alone. Sure, one flat tire in the middle of "nowhere, British Columbia" and I become bear food.
The potential for more questions multiplies with each person you decide to add to the trip. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it complicates everything exponentially. For example, Matt & I can go (that's two bikes) and share a hotel room. It makes for quick re-fueling stops and potty breaks. It's easier to decide where to stop for grub and when to stop. Simple: "Matt, you wanna do this or that?".
Now let's say we're bringing along just one more person. Now you need three people to a hotel room, or two rooms. Now that's three bikes to worry about maintenance or mechanical problems. And probably the worst part: getting a decision made. Everybody has experienced this- Ask more than one person: "Do you want to stop here or there?" The answers you will likely get will be different, or worse yet you'll get "I don't care". That's no answer.
Now add an additional person, or perhaps our wives. Oh, Lord help us.
Aside from the quickly escalating number of 'non-decisions' we have the ultimate slowdowns for re-fueling or eating, or just taking pitstops. And on top of that, if we bring along wives, who is gonna take care of the kids back home? Locking them in the basement with pop-tarts, water and cable tv will only work for about 7-10 days. We need at least 14. Dang!
Dilemma #2 - Where are we going and how are we getting there?
The first part is easy. We've always had a goal. At first it was simply to Vancouver, British Columbia (thus, "Gordo's Vancouver Adventure", duh). But that evolved into "Vancouver with a side trip to Alaska on the way back." Again, still not a big deal.

The second question - how are we getting there?- is the toughie. Do we want to zoom out and meander back? Meander out and zoom back? See as many sights along the way as possible? Just get to the goal and get back? Scenic (but slower) route or superslab (and boring) route? Avoid big cities or cruise right through them? Want to complicate this further? See Dilemma #1 above. Add more people and watch the confusion come to a rolling boil. And this is pretty important for trying to plan overnight stops, and finding decent roads to travel that aren't torn up by construction or delayed by endless traffic. Plus, shouldn't this be a fun trip too?
Dilemma #3 - Getting attention
Since I wanted to make a splash about this trip, I need to get people's attention. Let's back up. I want to make a splash so that I can help out a charity that I feel is in need of attention (and money). You can't raise money for anything without getting people's attention. Time out: Technically you can: The only way to do that is to add on an additional tax to something and earmark the additional money for something (Governments are experts at doing this). Then you can pretty much do what you want and people will 'contribute' money without even knowing it.
I don't have that luxury, and I want people to know that they are making a positive difference. So I need to get people's attention to get at their wallets and billfolds and ask them to pony up some fundage for a good cause. Most people will give what they can. They do care, they just need a little prodding. (Yeah, try not to get a mental picture when you hear the words 'prodding' and think about Chron's Disease or Colitis. Ewww...gross.) So, back to the subject at hand: how to get attention?

The usual suspects: media releases, emails, social networks, and my favorite: bugging the hell out of the media. Keep at them until they do what you want just to shut you up. Keep calling the tv stations and newspaper editors until they stop taking your calls. It's just like being a vendor! (grrrr!)
Dilemma #4 - How much gear to take?
Neither Matt nor I have done anything like this before. How much mechanical gear (fix it stuff)? Bike fluids (extra brake fluid? oil? coolant? gas? filters? fuses?) How many days worth of clothing? Snacks? Laptop? battery chargers? Cold-weather gear? Hot-weather gear? How many pairs of shoes -or any? First Aid kit? Where the hell is all this stuff gonna fit? I don't want to be unsafe by being overloaded, and
Dilemma #5 - How to Make Friends and generally not annoy people.
This is somewhat related to Dilemma #3 above. Certainly I want to share the news of this trip and the planning of it with my family and friends. And of course, using Facebook and other social networking sites, I have the opportunity to spread the news about this trip (and the raising money for charity stuff) with hundreds, if not thousands of people. But how to do so without irritating and annoying people? We all know that being Mr. Nice Guy seldom works. So I can take that route and ask nicely if people will share the news. Then when I still don't feel as though the work is spread enough I'll likely start spamming everybody I can find an email address for. Does it drop me down the same credibility level as a typical spammer? Almost. Is it worth it? Probably. Got any better ideas?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Top 5 Reasons that Choice Hotels International Should Sponsor This Trip
So why should they?
What the heck does 'sponsor this trip' really mean, anyway?
To me, that means lending their financial and moral support toward this cause. It means a bit of win-win situation. It means that they provide some financial support to the charity that I've chosen (they get to decide how much) and for supplying Matt and I with lodging free of charge at the locations they have across the US and Canada.
In return, they get:
- Widespread selection. Choice Hotels International has locations across the US and Canada. From what I've read, I understand they are Canada's largest hotel chain. That means that of the 13 nights that we'll need accommodations, they'll be able to supply 10 of them.
- Trustworthy brand. Who hasn't heard of Comfort Inn, EconoLodge, Sleep Inn, Clarion, or Quality Inn? And that's not even all the brands they have. After putting 500-600 miles past your wheels, who wants to show up at "Joe Bob's Hotel" only to find that they 'misplaced' your reservation and are booked solid?
- Support of Tourism. Even their mission statement and foundation speaks to the fact that they support tourism. And who are we but tourists in the long run anyway? This only makes sense because a large majority of their room rentals are for tourists. Self serving? Certainly, but is that such a bad thing. It's like newspapers supporting groups that encourage reading. Hello?
- Support of Community events. I haven't witnessed this firsthand (yet), but the corporate website for CHI (have I gotten so lazy I can't spell it out anymore?) frequently supports local community events such as vacation contests, giveaways and does so with media releases that are far more community-oriented than "we just opened yet another location".
- They're a fun company. They frequently encourage hotel visitors to enter and win free lodging for such things as "Win a trip to space". So, even though there's not currently a Comfort Inn & Suites on the moon (give them time), they see to like to lighten up their approach to consumers to foster a fun, relaxing atmosphere. Fun promotions make for happy travelers. Happy travelers are good repeat customers.
What the heck does 'sponsor this trip' really mean, anyway?
To me, that means lending their financial and moral support toward this cause. It means a bit of win-win situation. It means that they provide some financial support to the charity that I've chosen (they get to decide how much) and for supplying Matt and I with lodging free of charge at the locations they have across the US and Canada.
In return, they get:
- "Exclusivity", which means we won't stay at any other hotels or chains (unless they simply don't have one nearby on our route - which will happen for sure on at least 3 nights of this trip)
- we'll wear whatever schwag they want to identify Choice Hotels International as our sponsor - be it a patch on my vest or some sort of T-shirt or jacket. Perhaps it's a banner ad on this website. I don't care. I'll pimp out my clothes & my site...the cause is worth it.
- Positive media coverage. This is a tough one. I'm not a paid journalist. That means my normal day job doesn't involve reporting. To me there is a sacred trust that a 'reporter' not slant their coverage to suit a sponsor. Again tho, I'm NOT a reporter. I'm a guy who tells the story and keeps it real. If that means I only mention the good parts about an overnight hotel stay and keep the bad parts suppressed, so be it. If you ask me about the negative side, I'll tell you. I just won't be shouting it out without provocation.
- Opportunity to again give back to the communities they serve. Through a generous donation to my chosen charity, they will continue to demonstrate that they care about the communities they serve and the people in them.
Time to get this machine rolling again
Been far too long without an update, and for that dear readers, I apologize.
But trust in me, I have indeed been working on this trip and figuring things out.
First and foremost, I've nailed down the route. Well, to be sure, I've figured the route going out. It's the route coming back that's still questionable. You see, we're not at all sure how the Canadian roads will be, nor the speed limits. That will make a big difference on whether we head back south quickly or linger a bit in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and such.
And to be completely forthright, much depends on whether I can convince Choice Hotels International to lend their support by covering lodging costs and making a donation to the charity. Choice Hotels makes the best sense for a variety of reasons. Maybe I should have titled this section "Top 5 Reasons that Choice Hotels International should sponsor this trip", that would make a certain Stacy VERY happy if I started writing these posts more like a magazine article and less like a blog. Eh, what the heck. She knows more about publicity than I do....
So watch for the next post and let Stacy (and me) know if it caught your interest!
But trust in me, I have indeed been working on this trip and figuring things out.
First and foremost, I've nailed down the route. Well, to be sure, I've figured the route going out. It's the route coming back that's still questionable. You see, we're not at all sure how the Canadian roads will be, nor the speed limits. That will make a big difference on whether we head back south quickly or linger a bit in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and such.
And to be completely forthright, much depends on whether I can convince Choice Hotels International to lend their support by covering lodging costs and making a donation to the charity. Choice Hotels makes the best sense for a variety of reasons. Maybe I should have titled this section "Top 5 Reasons that Choice Hotels International should sponsor this trip", that would make a certain Stacy VERY happy if I started writing these posts more like a magazine article and less like a blog. Eh, what the heck. She knows more about publicity than I do....
So watch for the next post and let Stacy (and me) know if it caught your interest!
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