Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!

Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!
Gordo and his metal steed, Cheeto!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Matt and I decided to change the route. Yes, this is bad news for the folks in Utah (both of you), Colorado and Kansas (all 350 of you). This means we'll likely skip visiting your states. However, for the folks in California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma, you just found yourself in the enviable position to be our hosts for a few days! Lucky you! We'll be roaming your roads, eating your food, using your fuel and breathing your air. And cavorting with your women! (Okay, so not really that last one). But we will be bothering your residents as we make our way through your glorious states.

And seriously, I don't mean any disrespect to the folks in Utah, Colorado, or Kansas. I've already been to Kansas, so I'm not really in a big hurry to revisit that place. And I think I have at least a cousin in Colorado, but more relatives in Arizona (although we're not very close and I don't think they ever cared much for our side of the family). And this might give me the chance to change all that and open up new lines of communication with the rest of the "Given" clan. OR not, depending on how involved they wanna be.

So, while I'm not terribly excited about all the work this re-route will mean, I AM kinda excited about figuring the best route through these new areas that we hadn't considered up to this point. And as Matt pointed out, how many chances are we gonna get in this lifetime to do this? Utah may be a really well kept secret, but maybe they'd rather keep it a secret? No sense having me there, riding and blogging and making a big to-do about all things Osmond. (That's a link for my sister, who is probably wondering why I never blog about her.) And to be really honest, this gives me more time to be anal retentive about all the details of the revised route, so I'm kinda in heaven again!

Watch for an update to the route soon and I'll be making changes on GordonGiven.com as well.

In the meantime, Lemme HEAR ya! Comment, sign a guestbook, or send me feedback. Sheesh, if I wanted you to be a quiet lurker and not have any input, I would have made it impossible for you to give any!

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