Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!

Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!
Gordo and his metal steed, Cheeto!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Can you believe the generosity?

Countdown - 16 Days!

I got a wonderful call again today. This time it was from Tara at Hotel Saskatchewan Radisson Plaza in Regina (tee hee), Saskatchewan. She was letting me know the great news that they have decided to join the other 6 hotels and arrange to put me up for the night at no charge. In return, I'll make the donation of room costs to the CCFA.

This just made my day. After I revisited their website (http://www.hotelsask.com) I was even more overjoyed. This looks like one swanky sonuvagun! Even my most cultured and jaded friends would have to agree that this hotel looks like something Thurston Howell III and Lovey would stay in on their trips off Gilligan's Island.

As my daughter would say, "It's the bomb".

So that brings me to 7 out of 12 overnights that are being graciously donated to me so that I can make a more generous donation to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America. I can hardly believe that these fine hotels are being so open-armed about the whole thing. Sure, it doesn't hurt them at all that I'll be telling you readers about their lovely establishments, but there's far more to it than that. They truly want to give back, and this is a way they can do it more easily.

In the next few posts, I plan to recap some of the basics here on who, what, when, why and where for this trip. Things like:

Why are you doing this again?
Why did you pick the CCFA to be the charity you helped?
What can I do to help you make a difference?
Gordo - what are you trying to achieve?

Sure it's riveting stuff, but stick with me. The best is about to come steamrolling your way. Once this baby gets on the road, you're gonna be in for a thrill!

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