Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!

Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!
Gordo and his metal steed, Cheeto!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I warned you the route would change!

Countdown - 8 days!

So, those who have been faithfully reading know that this route has already changed a few dozen times. But to give you some reassurance, it's not changing much.

Day One is still Fort Wayne to Lodi, Wisconsin.
Day Two is Lodi, Wisconsin to Bismarck, ND. (This is new)
Day Three is Bismarck, ND to Shelby, MT.
the rest is pretty much the same.

The reason for this switch is because I never did get a Dickinson, ND hotel to take me in as part of a donation. So rather than try and go 754 miles from Lodi to Dickinson, I backed off a bit and planned a night in Bismarck, about 100 miles shorter for the day. It does make my Day Three a bit longer, but nowhere near 754 miles. That should give me some breathing room in case the weather turns ugly.

Lots of little items of note today:
1. I've been interviewed by both major daily newspapers in Fort Wayne. (For those of you who are skeptical because I happed to work for the agency that operates both of these: Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, it's HARDER for us to get our own news and events in the paper because no one wants to risk looking like our coverage is self-serving or slanted.) I can't tell you what each is doing with the story, but I'm sure you'll dig it! Now, getting linked on their sites is my next mission.

2. Got another hotel offer today, but had to turn it down. Travelodge in Regina, SK wanted to put me up for the night, but I had to tell Shayla that I already had accommodations. I greatly appreciate their offer though! (Now, if I could just get the hotels in Bismarck, ND, Shelby, MT, Calgary, AB, and Grand Forks, ND to wise up to what all the others have done, I'd be set!).

3. Waterproofed my boots, leather jacket and chaps, and began packing the luggage today. Yeah, it's a week early, but I'm pumped!

4. And a shout out to all the folks who have recently 'followed' my blog. I'm feeling the love! Thank you!

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