Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!

Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!
Gordo and his metal steed, Cheeto!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

day 10 Red Deer to Regina...and Rain!

Okay folks, today was a long riding day and by the end of it I spent three hours battling hail, torrential downpours, and lightning (and some of you know how much lightning scares the you know what outta me).

Here in western Canada, there aren't all that many roads. So, they don't tend to cross each other, and when they do, they just put up a stop sign for one of them. That means no overpasses/underpasses. That means no where to hide from the elements on a bike.

Nothing. No where.

I got soaked. Unfortunately, so did my phone. I hope it'll be working by the morning, but I'm not holding my breath on that. It didn't get anything more than 'moist' inside my rainsuit pocket, but that should give you an idea of how hard it was raining. The INSIDE of my pockets were moist. Thus, the Gordo inside the rainsuit was...moist.

This hotel is awesome. Really swanky, and full of really professional staff. You'd think this was the Waldorf-Astoria if you didn't know you were in Regina (pronounced ruh-JINE-uh). My room looks like a village in southeast Asia: clothes hanging everywhere, trying to dry. That includes my leathers, which I'm sure will have stretched out so much that I can only fit into them again if I go on a strict Krispy Kreme donut diet.

The day started out with a storm chasing me out of Red Deer, but it fizzled pretty early and I got nary a drop on me. Stopped for fuel in Calgary (east side) and then had a really nice ride all the way out to Medicine Hat, where I hit wet roads due to a passing storm, but I had just missed the rain itself.

Then it was on to Swift Current, where the skies looked threatening. So I pulled over and put on the rain gear. Usually that's a clear indication that you'll stay dry (once the gear is all on, typically the rain goes away). Not this time.

I got light rain. Then heavy rain. Then pointy, ouchy, hail. Then torrential downpour kind of rain. Then light rain again. Then nothing for about 5 kilometers. Then light rain, but I was just pulling up to the hotel. I'm told a tornado was spotted around here, but I didn't see that. I didn't see much of anything. I was sitting on the side of the highway, in pouring rain, waiting for it to let up enough so that I could at least get on the road and SEE where I was going. That's where the phone musta got wet.

I watched the national (Canadian) weather forecast (kinda like our TWC) tonight and the local news and the storm I went through was a record setter. Yay! Everywhere I go there's publicity! I guess I got out of Calgary just in time, the hail there was just below golf ball size.

Anyway, on to the pics!

Love how the Canadians call their rest areas "stopping stations". They have 'rest areas' too, but anything more than a little pit toilet seems to be a stopping station. Also, they had a little restaurant trailer at this one, serving food. I had my breakfast there. Not bad at all, hey?

This is Constable Raz from the Calgary PD. He was really cool. Talked to me for a long time and told me his ex-partner had Crohn's. He (Raz) was a rider too...until he hit a deer. I think that was his signal to stop riding. They helped get me back to the highway. Not a police escort, just directions.

(The picture makes me want to say, "One Adam Twelve, One Adam Twelve, Fight report, with chains and knives..." If you are old enough, you'll remember.)

I thought this scenery looked a lot like eastern Montana. Wide open spaces. Pretty land. I love how you can see for miles (and Myles can see quite well for himself, thank you).

This is from a 'rest area'. More wide open space. (and some guy who raced in, passed me just before the rest stop doing at least 90mph) to get out, run to his trunk, get out a torque wrench that was preset for lug nuts and check all the lug nuts on his car before taking off again. Obsessive Compulsive? Maybe. Or just weird.

Beautiful weather was just getting started. I had to give Cheeto her due.

This is Marla, who manages the Hotel Saskatchewan. She was just leaving work as I was getting there. Made a point to talk to me about the trip before she went (presumably) home. Really nice lady.

This is Tony from Toronto. He works at IBM and comes to Regina once a WEEK for business. Been doing that for months now. He invited me to the bar to buy me a beer and chat. He's a great story all by himself. Nice guy, very interested in my trip and my cause. In turn, we spoke about all sorts of things: motorcycles, children, real estate, travel, etc. He also turned me on to a local beer to Regina. The name escapes me now, but it reminded me of a Guinness, but tasted far better. Perhaps Tony will log in and comment and let me know what the brand was. He was one of the more fascinating folks I met on this trip. (And Sarge, the helmet and goggle wearing dog was also in the running!)

Tomorrow, it's back to the States! I'm entering at Estevan, which will take me into North Dakota. Remember my open letter to North Dakota? (See the earlier post here). Well, here's fair warning North Dakota - if you want to impress me, now is your chance!

Tomorrow night I'm in Grand Forks, ND (almost but not quite out of the state!) and my room is courtesy of Reggie Stahl from Johnstown, PA. I've known Reg for awhile and he wanted to do something to help the CCFA, so he's going to pretend to be the hotel and pay for my night. I'll, in turn, donate to the CCFA on his behalf.

AND both Myles and Bob Starkie - old Army buddies of mine - made way generous contributions to the CCFA too. It sure makes me feel good to have such caring friends...

No, that's not a tear in my eye....probably just road grime making my eyes water....that's all.



  1. Gordo---you inspired us to give to the cause. What you are doing is awesome.

    Please ride safe, stay out of the rain (if possible).

    I get up every morning early to check the blog and see where you are. It's like reading a first class novel.

    Kirk Nevins----kmotor

  2. Great pix of some beautiful country, but you are missing the Three Rivers Festival. Have a safe ride home.

  3. This is SO much more fun that the 3RF. But I do kinda miss it, and dang it, I missed the parade! My favorite part!

  4. Kirk - Thank you so much. It means the world to me that folks find this interesting enough to keep reading....and that's one of my other goals: to make a book out of this and become a published author! My dear friend and 'agent', Stacy, says this is the right stuff and she's already shopping the idea. If it pans out, you'll be getting a signed copy, gratis. (heck, I'll find SOMEBODY famous and noteworthy to sign it!)
    Thanks again!


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