Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!

Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!
Gordo and his metal steed, Cheeto!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Second Open Letter to North Dakota

Dearest North Dakota -
I must apologize. I slammed you pretty good in an earlier post for your heat; for your boring landscape; for your borders. And probably for even more than that.

But you have educated me well, and I appreciate that.

Today, as I visited your northern portion heading east, I was made all to aware of the power you have over us mere visitors.

You gave me perfect riding weather to start my day. It's as if you said, "Oh, you think it's miserable here all the time? Try this on for size." And you gave me partly cloudy sunshine and nice cool breezes. In short, simply perfect.

But as if to remind me again who is in charge, you made your point abundantly clear. About 100 miles from my destination (the town you call Grand Forks), you reminded me that perfect riding weather is in the eye of the beholder. you showed me your immense storm building power - yet let me slip right through the middle of it completely unscathed! It's as if you opened a path for Cheeto and me and said, "Look around. I could really mess you up if I wanted. But here's a free pass this time. Now, go easy on me in that blog of yours."

And I will.

I griped about your boring landscape. The northern portions of your state, starting with Portal, North Dakota were quite pretty. Meadows and small valleys with lakes and trees. You had the insight to show me North Dakotans enjoying your landscape by flying bi-planes where I could enjoy them. You showed me many a truck pulling a boat on a trailer, headed for some North Dakotan lake to enjoy the watery portions of your state.

Finally, I griped about your borders. However, today I was never as glad to see a border sign welcoming me to North Dakota - and specifically back into the United States.

I'm truly sorry, North Dakota. You have trained me well. I will pass along your lesson to others that I hear disparaging your good state. And I will return, and find more joys that lie within your borders.

You are wise, and good and benevolent. And I thank you!

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