Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!

Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!
Gordo and his metal steed, Cheeto!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Read all about the GVA in the Journal Gazette!

Countdown - 47 hours! (I just couldn't write "1 day and change" when it's that close)

Isn't is strange when you read something written by someone you know (letter, article, online posting, email, etc.) you can hear their voice as you read it? Maybe it's just a mental thing for me, but I could hear Frank Gray's voice today as he wrote about my efforts.

If you know Frank, you can try it too - here's the link to the story in The Journal Gazette.
If you don't know Frank, you can still read it. It's not a weird test.

Frank did a great job of getting all the various distractions out of the way and getting down to the nitty-gritty of what this is all about. I think he made me sound a bit more 'tough' than I believe myself to be, but what guy doesn't like sounding a little macho from time to time?

To my knowledge I have only one scheduled interview remaining to air before I leave. I'm hoping for more along the road as I travel, but tune in later for the link to the WJON-AM story that will air on Friday in St. Cloud.

I'm down to just hours away now and way excited. I wonder if I could air up my tires with this adrenaline and these endorphins?

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