Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!

Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!
Gordo and his metal steed, Cheeto!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Welcome to Montana, er I mean North Dakota!

I've run across people on this trip that feign interest, just plain aren't interested, and those that truly are. Montana falls into that last group.
She is such a sweetheart, I can't begin to describe her to you. She's a pretty little thing that is working at the front desk of the Super 8 here in Grand Forks.
Montana checked me in quickly, made sure that I had everything I needed and just made me feel so welcome.
What a kewl name, hey? Montana, who is in North Dakota.
During these travels I've learned that there are some hard feelings between the residents of these states and poor Montana is stuck in the middle just because of her name!
Anyway, back to my Montana.

She gave me lots of directions to places I needed to know, and recommended dinner ata  place called Speedway, literally a stone's throw from the hotel. She was absolutely right tho - the food was great! Thanks again for the tip, Montana!
By the way, she was really hesitant to let me take her picture, but i convinced her otherwise and wore her down.
Please take a moment to comment and let her know she has nothing to worry about, she's just as cute as can be!
By the way, my buddy Reggie wanted to donate in some way and he paid for tonight's hotel accommodations. Montana was working the night he called and she remembers the phone call. I'm sure it was weird to her at the time: Some guy is calling to reserve a room for another guy who is staying here but on his way home from Alaska. But the some guy on the phone gets the bill, and the some guy on a motorcycle is just staying in the room. Yeah, that's probably confusing.
And he was just as smitten with her name as I was!
More to come folks, busy day today!

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