Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!

Gordo's Vancouver Adventure - the Blog!
Gordo and his metal steed, Cheeto!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day Three Begins!

Today's goal is Cut Bank, Montana
Looks like another wet start to the day.
It's just before 5am, but the local radar is showing rain about 3 hours away, but heading right for Bismarck.
At least it looks good after that.
It's a bit chilly too. 56 degrees right now.

Let's hope one of two things happen:
  • It breaks up before it gets here
  • I move so slowly that it passes before I get moving

The second one is unlikely. I have about 630 miles to go today. The first is unlikely...it's moving slowly, right for me.

And where there are few roads (or few anything) there are few overpasses to hide under. Ugh. Will my feet ever get dry?

Happy trails!


  1. Sorry for the rain---stay as dry as you can. Also when it is sunny---don't forget about those holes in your gloves. Sun gets in there too! Kmotor

  2. "Riding" along from the "sunshine" state. If it helps, central Florida has been anything but sunny this holiday weekend. I rode a bit in the rain myself yesterday but nothing like your adventure. Kudos for pressing on rain or shine!

  3. You do have second pair of boots, dont you private!?!

  4. Rain already, what a drag. You are doing great.

  5. Great! I love feedback! It shows me someone cares!
    LEt's see...
    Kmotor-I have gloves WITHOUT the knuckle holes now. I learned the hard way (when it looked like I had Leprosy!)

    MikeR - Thanks for following along! I think you have it worse -- all that Florida humidity! (I think I just started sweating while thinking about Florida!)

    Anon- No, Sergeant! Just the one pair. I love 'em and they dry out quickly. But I was issued two pair 25 years ago, so I really should have that spare pair....how many pushups do I need to do?

    MzzzRivard- Just finished Day 3. Rained on 4 different times during the 655 miles today. Montana has these HUGE skies, but it also has all sorts of weather happening at once! ANd that big dark patch that looks really ugly is moving...you just don't know if it's moving toward you or away (most of the time today it was moving toward me!)


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